Monday, 13 February 2012

New tank set up

Over the weekend, we got the new frog tank fully set up & all the frogs & tadpoles settled in. As soon as they'd all been put in, we set about catching them some dinner (it's kind of become a family activity now! LOL! All 4 of us running around with a net, catching flies etc.), and within minutes, the 2 older frogs (caught as tadpoles last summer) & most of the younger froglets (only lost their tails within the last week), were all hunting & learning the new layout of the tank. They seemed happy enough (kinda hard to tell frogs' emotions really), & all had big bloated bellies by the end of the night.

As promised, here are a few photos of the new set up/tank & some of the frogs:

I tried to get it looking as natural as I could, without using dirt which would make the tank harder to clean. Lots of hidey holes & big leaves to rest on, as well as some plants I've gotten in the hope they will grow over the stones & become nice soft ground cover right throughout the tank. Definitely a work in progress!

Our 2 1yr old frogs & 2 of our newest froglets.

It took a while before he started paying attention to the fly, which sat on the leaf beside him for ages, but as soon as he turned to actually look at it, of course it flew off!

The 2 older frogs

Such an awkward angle for his little foot!

Love their blue thighs!

Little froglet hiding in the Birds Nest Fern leaves. There are 3 of these plants in the tank & they seem to be the favourites for hiding in. 
Also, for those not following me on Twitter, a few quick photos of my beloved Kitty boys. I've had these brothers (who are now 10yrs old if I've remembered correctly) since the moment they were born, and they are so different. Simba is very nervous & shy, but has patches where he comes out of his shell & will demand affection, but the slightest movement too fast near him, or even a funny look, & he'll be diving for the nearest exit. *sighs* I have no idea why he's like this, but I truly treasure those rare moments when he is smoochy & loving... and RELAXED! Tigger (Tiggs) on the other hand is forever demanding attention, & spends more time inside than out, where as Simba is more comfortable outside. Tiggs is one of those cats you just don't get a choice about whether you want to cuddle him or not... he will just appear in your lap, no matter what you're doing, purring & headbutting, while sprawling out across my arms or legs. Tiggs is usually the first to appear if I'm in a low mood, & will happily snuggle for hours if I let him. Loves his belly rubbed, paws played with, and is slowly learning NOT to run away as soon as our youngest son comes running anywhere near him. Love my boys!!

Tiggs laying down inside, with his brother Simba watching him outside.  A very rare photo as Simba doesn't like me taking photos of him, so I hardly ever get a decent shot of him, nevermind one of the 2 of them together!

My sweet handsome Tiggs

Tiggs' favourite sleeping position... begging for his belly to be rubbed. How could you resist that soft belly fur??
I didn't actually get much crafting done over the weekend... was extremely slack & just enjoyed a bit of quiet time reading and spending time with the family instead. So hopefully next weekend will be a lot more productive, and next Monday I will have lots of creation photos to share. This Thursday, as long as the weather's good, I'll be heading out to Raglan, so no zoo photos coming this week, but definitely planning another trip next week, providing the weather co-operates. Have an awesome week everyone! :o)

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